Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Education, what did I learn?

The drastic change in my MS has had me living in retrospect the last few months and one of the things that has preoccupied my thoughts a lot is my level of education. Think the highest I have tested on an IQ test was 146. Though truth be told I can't even get past 123 and certainly no where near my usual 127 at the moment!
Thats really sad isn't it? When I am not really interested and couldn't care if my last MRI scan will show if my legs will ever work again (which the won't!) only worried if I am going to get dumber! lol

I am thinking of my school days, those nightmare mornings full of fear of bullies and teachers who couldn't give a shit and don't get me wrong there were many, many teachers there that I liked and respected. I just didn't have many of them! I did have Mr Williams for Modern Studies, who inspired a love of politics that remains with me to this day, The late Mr Conlan, RE and SVS (social and vocational skills) I was heart broken when I heard he had passed away the year after I left school, he was a brilliant teacher. Mr Barnett, English, what a pity I didn't get him until my 3rd year of high school, I have a feeling he would like to know I still read and be really pleased that I still have all the Shakespeare play books that I rescued from the bin at the end of that term! (that gave the bullies a new taunt for fourth year. 'Bucket Raker' How imaginative) see I even inspired independant thought back then! Finally Mr Mowat and Mr Melville. I still can't play an instrument or sing to save myself but I do love music Mr Mowat!
I know Mr Melville that we had our differences and although you only took our Latin class for a short time I recently amazed myself at exactly how much of it I actually do remember! (a lot more Latin than French if thats any consolation!) If there was just one subject that I could go back in time to take again it would be your Latin class!

I still write, though not as much as I should. Blame the MS, blame life, blame me.
I have been looking through some of the writing I have done in the last 25 years or so, A lot of it is missing (well coal fires needed something to burn when there was no money for coal when the girls were babies!)
Looking through my musings and scrawlings I did about school back then, which was lets face it were not the best years of my life. I found two that fit really well. I want to put the first one that I wrote in 1990 but it is so full of an anger and immaturity that I think would offend and insult the five great teachers that I have paid tribute to in this blog. So I will go with this one I wrote in 1999.


History taught me
That no solution is final
Geography showed me
That not all men are equal
Mathematics told me
That I would not be an accountant
Science truely informed me
That Physics holds both wonder and Horrors
English inspired me
To tell you this
That is All

Cath x

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