Sunday, 27 September 2009


The very word used to describe this awful symptom of Multiple Sclerosis must be one of the cruelest ironic abuses of language ever conceived and one that is completely lost on me.
When you are given a HUG it can be for any of a great number of reasons, a demonstration of love or given in friendship or as a comfort, as a social greeting or an affectionate farewell. In all definitions and descriptions of a hug, in all cultures throughout history around the world, a hug is known as a benevolent action.

With the MS hug though there is nothing remotely kind or benevolment about it! I have never had a Boa Constrictor try to squeeze the life out of me before but I imagine the start of such an attack would feel exactly like this!
Knowing scientifically what causes it isn't much of a comfort either, (which me being me you know I could bore you to tears with what I do know! lol) suffice to say your torso is filled with lots of muscles, The Intercostal Muscles (see can't help myself). Now your Intercostal's have been in use your entire life, from the moment you let out that very first cry. They intertwine your ribcage and basically hold you together. They help you bend, stretch and most people never give them a second thought, probably the most common injury to these muscles is when you 'pull a stitch' whilst running or exercising. With MS though every one of these muscles can go into spasm at the same time,front and back and it truely does feel like being squeezed to death! I've had this symptom a few times in the last six months but today is the first day that it has affected my entire upper body, before it stopped at my lower ribs now its everywhere. The treatment for this is with a muscle relaxant. Rab is talking to the NHS 24 and because it is technically 'chest pain' I need to be seen by a Paramedic! So there is one on his way, who knows what will happen now! Roll on November, the quicker I get to the pain clinic the better!

Cath x

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